White Spaces

While I am not a full-time paid writer, much of my work is dedicated to the written word. I craft copy for our website, blog, and our social media accounts, and I regularly write articles for the weekly news.

Content creation is, as always, king.

Sometimes it flows so easily that it feels as though it is coming unbidden, rushing through one’s veins, words forcing their way out, tumbling over themselves in their rush to be written down, typed out, made flesh.

Other days, it is a struggle just to form a coherent sentence, let alone write one that pops off the page. Those are the times I try to take a step back and focus on My Other Work. You know, the boring stuff. Dealing with anything remotely marketing-related, sending out promotional materials, doing a social media audit…anything that allows me to tune out. Generally, I end up finding this kind of work so inexorably dull that the next time that I’m able to sit down at my computer to write, it comes with ease.


But when it doesn’t? I find that making a start is the best way to go. All that blank space can be intimidating, so just banging out a few sentences can make all the difference.

In fact, I dislike the vast expanse of white space so intensely that I’ve started figured out a good way to trick myself into not being intimidated. I open a draft Outlook email, complete with signature and company social media links at the bottom, and write in the body of the email before copying and pasting the text in Word. It’s illusionary, but it works for me.

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