Bloody Hell, Mary

I’ve been seriously slack this week.

Updating my readers over a virtual cup of coffee is easy – I have been otherwise engaged.

I’m not a coffee drinker. I’ve never enjoyed the taste, not just of coffee itself but all coffee-flavoured items. Ice-cream, chocolates, lollies – all of it tastes rancid to me. But the aroma of coffee? That’s a completely different thing. Coffee smells incredible.

Instead, I’ll update you over a Bloody Mary.


The sharpness of the tabasco and the tang of the Worcestershire combined with the smooth, refreshing taste of the vodka is my kind of way to kickstart the day. Not every day unfortunately but it’s a pretty consistent mainstay. Back in the day when my beloved was a barman, I would revel in stumbling downstairs to the kitchen and finding some mixed Bloody Mary ready for me, waiting to ease the pain of the hangover before starting the workday.

My update is short and sweet – my focus has been on applying for my Masters in Media & Communication Studies and applying for other work. My current role is dull and disappointing, and my eyes are constantly searching for the verdant grass, just over yonder. So far, so good, with an interview on the very near horizon.

Onwards and upwards, mes cherries.

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